The Ergonom Microscope - Research into the Resonance Therapy and Rife Microscope, Rife Research - Europe

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The Ergonom Microscope

Rife Microscope

As fascinating as the Rife Microscope is, there are no known original working Rife microscopes still in existance today and many scientists question the capabilities of the historical Rife microscope due to its apparent ability to resolve beyond the optical limits of half a wavelength as defined by Abbe. Modern science tells us that light optical microscopes cannot resolve below 250 nanometres and magnify more than 1600x and provide more detail (true magnification).

Yet there are a number of researchers who have developed microscopes which claim to resolve beyond this limit. These include the Somatoscope by Gaston Naessons in Canada, the Richardson microscope by Tim Richardson in Canada (now no longer available), and the Ergonom microscope developed by the german engineer, Kurt Olbrich and marketed by Grayfield Optical inc.

The Ergonom Microscopes

Kurt Olbrich has been inventing microscopes since 1972. In 1976, he built his first optical microscope that was capable of resolving better than 100nm with variable depth of field up to 80x that of conventional light optical microscopes. His special grayfield contrast method allows for full contrast colour imaging of living unstained samples in real time under natural white light.

Although the Ergonom microscope uses a different proprietry approach to optics than Rife did, Kurt Olbrich has managed to create a microscope today that allows for living samples to be cultured in an enclosed heated chamber and observed in real time while various medicines can be injected into the chamber. This allows medical researchers to determine within about an hour if a certain medicine is effective or not.

For more information and example images and videos, on this remarkable microscope, please look at their website:

Ergonom 3000
Ergonom 4000-3
Ergonom 4000-3, Grayfield Optical Inc.
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